Household Filter KitThe household filter kit is a high and low gravity drinking water charcoal that is fast, easy to install and does not require energy to run.This group can be quickly and easily deployed in the field by NGOs and aid agencies to provide a quick solution to drinking water filter requirementsIn cases of emergency relief, refugees and infrastructure reconstruction.Unhandled water is poured manually into the top container and clean water is received from the tap in the bottom container,With a production of up to 1 liter per candle per hour Installation details: (Plastic Security Factory for use with food) Joints: The water is poured into the upper chamberThe degree of the candle: filters sterasy l tm or super or atc super sterasy l tmCandle Type: 7 cm (178 mm) wax * 2 cm long (49 mm) diameter with long spiral anchor and winged finishNumber of waxes: 2Production rate: 40 liters per candle per 24 hours.